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Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers smooth out folds and wrinkles and add volume to cheeks, temples, lips, and contour facial features.

Semi-permanent filler injections are customized to every patient's needs. Fillers don't stop aging, but they do diminish the look of wrinkles and soft tissue depressions, temporarily. Longevity differs but, on average, fillers last 9-12 months (6-9 months for lips).

This treatment

–plumps up thin lips,
–enhances shallow contours
–softens facial creases
–improves the appearance of wrinkles and scars.

What if I have questions or concerns?


I'm here for you!

Please call (519) 207-3424 with questions or concerns about your Dermal Filler treatment or aftercare. 

Can I prepare for Fillers?

Yes, you can!

Pre-Treatment Dermal Filler Instructions:

Dermal fillers must not be administered if you have had any vaccines, immunizations, procedures, illnesses, or dental work in the past two weeks and for an additional 2-4 weeks after fillers. 


• Do not use dermal fillers if you are: Pregnant or breastfeeding, allergic to any of the ingredients, have neurological or autoimmune disorders, cold or flu-like symptoms, or

any active inflammatory processes (cysts, rashes, hives). 

• Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before or after your treatment to avoid extra bruising. 


• For best results, and to decrease the chance of bleeding or bruising at the injection site, please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements for one week prior to your appointment. This includes over-the-counter medication such as aspirin and ibuprofen.


• Also avoid herbal supplements such as garlic, vitamin E, ginko biloba, St. John's Wort and omega-3 capsules. 

• Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A) retinols, retinoids, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, or any "anti-aging" products for two days before and after treatment. 


• Inform your provider if you have a history of Perioral Herpes to receive advice on antiviral therapy prior to treatment. (Valtrex 500 mg BID, 5 days, start 2 days prior to treatment) 

• Consider using Arnica to help with bruising and swelling. This should be started up to 2 days prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Dermal Filler Instructions: 


● Avoid massage or significant movement of the treated area (unless instructed otherwise)

● Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours

● Avoid makeup for 4-6 hours to avoid infection

● Avoid extensive sun or heat for 3 days. (no saunas or hot tubs)

● Excess ALCOHOL or SALTS can lead to excess swelling. Please minimize consumption


● Wait 2 weeks before dental work, immunizations or laser treatment
● Use Tylenol for discomfort
● Use Arnica to help with bruising or swelling
● Bruising or redness is possible after the injections. If this becomes excessive, please
contact Evergreen Med-Aesthetics for guidance or consultation
● For swelling a cool compress may be used for up to 15 minutes each hour. 

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