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Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat varicose, reticular, and spider veins. Medication is injected into unwanted/not functioning veins. The medication dissolves the deoxygenated blood that causes the blue/purple discolouration. The inside of the blood vessel is irritated so fibrous tissue forms, closing the vein. The number of treatments differs for everyone, but 1 to 6 treatments are usually required (average 3 to 4).


Most people will see a significant improvement in varicose veins, and find relief from discomfort.

What if I have questions or concerns?


I'm here for you!

It is normal to experience bruising, redness, itching, soreness, and swelling that may last from 3-10 days following your procedure. But please call with questions or concerns about your sclerotherapy treatment or care (519) 207-3424. 

Can I prepare for sclerotherapy?

Yes, you can!

Sclerotherapy Instructions:

No sclerotherapy at least 2 weeks before a flight
Arnica pills can be taken, they help decrease the amount of bruising.
Ensure you bring compression stockings if needed.
Avoid anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen for 7-10 days before the scheduled procedure
Do not shave your legs the night before or the day of your procedure
Be sure to wear loose-fitting pants or sweatpants.  You may bring shorts for the procedure.


Consent forms and photographs of the treatment area
The treatment may cause some discomfort.  This is usually well tolerated.
Cotton balls and tape will be applied to each injection site, providing local compression.

Bruising  10-14 days
Redness  3-7 days
Swelling  2-7 days
Hyperpigmentation -up to several months


Wear compression stockings constantly for the first 48 hours following your injection appointment
After 48 hours you may remove the cotton balls
Wear stockings daily for AT LEAST 2 WEEKS, although 4-6 weeks is best for optimal results
Proper compression is VERY important  because it minimizes the blood re-entering the vein that was injected.  Compression decreases the chance of post sclerotherapy hyperpigmentation and telangiectatic matting, and it also improves venous blood flow.
You can shower 24-48 hours after treatment
Hot baths, Hot tubs, and saunas should be avoided for at least 2-3 weeks after sclerotherapy to avoid venous dilation.
Take Tylenol for any discomfort AVOID Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve and other anti-inflammatory medications for at least 10 days.  The inflammatory response is part of the treatment process.
Avoid high impact activities.  Running, aerobics, weight lifting for 1-2 weeks
Avoid sun exposure for 4-6 weeks or until bruising and discolouration resolves.  Apply sunblock if exposure is expected during normal daily activities.
   10.  You  may elevate your legs for your comfort
   11.  Watch for signs of infection.  Some redness is expected.  
          If you have increasingly large areas of redness or any leaking fluid, contact
          me immediately.
   12.  Do not pop blisters.  Wash the area gently with soap and water.




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